Svalin Bullet Trap

Environmentally friendly bullet trap

The bullet trap construction is based on the reduction of the kinetic energy of the bullets by multiple changes of the direction of the bullet within the system of steel slats/panels inside the bullet trap. The patented design of Svalin bullet trap makes for a shallow installation depth of only 600 mm, allowing maximum shooting distances in any facility.

Unique clearing system

The bullet trap has ventilation that prevents splints and dust from the projectiles to enter the room where the shooters are staying. The ventilation has a system of filters in three stages that enabling the outgoing air to be recycled in the main buildings existing ventilation.

The scrap conveyer and the ventilation are activated by an acoustic sensor which reacts when the shooting begins. They then deactivate 10-20 minutes after the last shot, this is controlled by a timer. The surfaces in the bullet trap not in danger of being hit by a projectile, will be painted.

The bullet trap is placed on cushions made of polymeric material that prevents all vibrations and sounds from the bullet trap to be led into the body of the building. Thus the bullet trap is completely separated from the body of the building in which it is placed.

The only thing to consider is the sound of the weapon when it is relieved, the rest will be taken care of by the bullet trap.

Low Maintenance

The steel components of the bullet trap is designed to withstand at least 950 000 projectiles per m² without maintenance which means that the bullet trap under normal operation should be free of maintenance for more than 10 years when the steel parts are concerned.

The rubber shields that protects from splints, are easy to replace with new ones when necessary. This can be done by regular staff at the shooting range.

The bullet trap will withstand all types of ammunition up to caliber .50, except projectiles with armor piercing shells (AP).

Floors made of shock absorbing material that also protects from slipping are delivered to the room where the bullet trap is mounted. The floor mat and material underneath the floor can withstand stray bullets and in that case the hole in the floor mat “heals” itself. The floor mat consists of a top layer made of natural rubber (SBR), this is a nonslip material. Underneath there is a layer of EPDM rubber which is shock absorbing. The EPDM layer may have a thickness of 7, 12 or 15 mm.

The steel components of the bullet trap is designed to withstand at least 950 000 projectiles per m².

The patented design of Svalin bullet trap is unique and insures a shallow installation depth of only 600 mm. The lead dust residue from the bullets is cleared out and collected automatically.

The bullet trap can be designed to cover all walls in the room. The protection shields made of steel in front of the target system and the lower part of the bullet trap are protected by a plastic shield which is our own development.

The ventilation in the bullet trap is based on a constant vacuum in the bullet trap compared to the room outside the bullet trap, controlled by a sensor. This results in an air flow through the bullet trap. In the lower part of the bullet trap cabins some inlet valves are placed that makes the air pass through the bullet trap and thus transporting led dust from bullet splints through an adjustable valve in the roof of the bullet trap cabins. The led dust is then trapped in the three stage filter system placed before the fan. No dusk will leak into the room where the shooters are. That is true even if the ballistic rubber shield is torn with visible holes. The inlet valves mentioned above also takes care of the heavy gunpowder gases from the range.

The noise from the bullet trap cabin is negligible. When measuring noise in existing shooting ranges the main part of the noise origins from the general ventilation of the room.